Supported Independent Living

Our Supported Independent Living program supports adults with developmental disabilities to live in their own home. The program is flexible, and supports are based on a person's wishes and needs. People who receive these supports are responsible for their household maintenance costs, including rent, utilities, food, and furnishings.

Supports may include assistance and skills-building in the following areas:

  • Activities of daily living
  • Household management and maintenance
  • Menu planning, grocery shopping, and meal preparation
  • Monitoring of medications and health-care support
  • Support and advocacy with medical, dental, and specialist appointments
  • Budgeting, ODSP assistance, paying bills, and filing tax returns
  • Accessing community resources and services
  • Community connection, networking, and natural relationships

Our goal is to increase both personal independence and interdependence between people and their community.

Where to start

If you would like to learn more about Supported Independent Living, please contact:

Diane Lupton
705-789-4543, Ext. 226