

Community and Planning Services – District of Muskoka

The District’s Community Services department provides a wide range of programs for the residents of Muskoka including financial assistance, community workshops, and housing supports. Read More

Huntsville Public Library

The Huntsville Public Library offers programs for kids, teens, and adults such as computer classes and the Healthy Living Series. Read More

Ontario Disability Support Program

The Ontario Disability Support Program assists people who have a disability and need assistance with living expenses, healthcare benefits, and employment services. Read More

Ontario Works

Ontario Works provides temporary financial assistance and employment supports for individuals and families. Read More

The Table Soup Kitchen Foundation

The Table Soup Kitchen offers community meals, a food bank, a men’s hostel, and an exchange store with free items such as clothing and housewares. Read More

Town of Huntsville

The Town of Huntsville provides information about community events and recreational programs. Read More

Disability and Inclusion

Accessibility News

Accessibility News is an online magazine that highlights disability-related news across Canada and the world. Read More

AIDE Canada

The Autism and/or Intellectual Disability Knowledge Exchange Network, or AIDE Canada, is a tool to connect members of the autism and/or intellectual disability community to the information and resources that they need. AIDE Canada aims to deliver credible, reliable, and evidence-informed resources in an unbiased and accessible way. Visit the AIDE Canada website.

ARCH Disability Law Centre

ARCH Disability Law Centre is a legal clinic that focuses specifically on disability rights law. The clinic publishes a blog and quarterly newsletter with news about disability law and legal practices. Read More

Autism Ontario

Autism Ontario provides updated news and information about the key issues that impact Ontario individuals with autism and their families. Read More

Inclusion Canada

Inclusion Canada, formerly the Canadian Association for Community Living, is a national organization that supports people living with intellectual disabilities and their families through policy work and public education. Read More

Cerebral Palsy Canada Network

The CP Canada Network aims to inform and empower families by providing accessible, credible information on new research discoveries, educational opportunities, provincial services and programs and personal success stories. Read More

Community Living Ontario

Community Living Huntsville is a member of Community Living Ontario, a provincial organization that advocates with people who have an intellectual disability and their families to advance inclusion in their lives and in their communities. Read More

Disability is Natural

Disability is Natural is a collection of educational resources about disability that includes a guide to People First Language. Read More

Down Syndrome Association of Simcoe County

The Down Syndrome Association of Simcoe County offers supports to people living with Down syndrome and their families through educational resources and subsidies for programs. Read More

Down Syndrome Association of Ontario

The Down Syndrome Association of Ontario is a provincial organization that coordinates efforts to raise awareness, educate, and promote the inclusion of people with Down syndrome and their families. Read More

Inclusion Press

Inclusion Press provides articles, e-books and resources about inclusion, such as person-centred planning and inclusive education. Read More

Interdependence Network

The Interdependence Network shares best practices around community inclusion including free resources that support person-centred community engagement. Read More

Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities

The Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities supports students and professionals who work in and study the field of developmental disabilities. Read More

Ontario Partnership on Aging and Developmental Disabilities

The Ontario Partnership on Aging and Developmental Disabilities is a partnership of service providers who support the needs of older people who live with a developmental disability. Read More

People for Inclusive Communities

People for Inclusive Communities is a Huntsville-based group that promotes inclusion in our community and beyond. Read More


Re:Action4Inclusion is a youth-led movement to promote inclusion and diversity in schools and communities. Read More

Respite Services

A support service for families and caregivers who seek temporary relief from the physical and emotional work involved in caring for a family member who has a disability. Read More

Sensory Workout YouTube Channel

Sensory workout is a program that combines what we know about exercise and what we know about sensory processing to make physical activity more accessible and enjoyable for all! Join in a series of modules! The Sensory Workout trainings and demo videos are created by Aptus’ Clinical Services team, with generous funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Visit the YouTube channel

Special Olympics Ontario

Special Olympics Ontario promotes the accessibility of sport to athletes with intellectual disabilities. Read More

Spread the Word

Spread the Word is a global grassroots campaign that encourages inclusion for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Read More


TASH is an organization that advocates for inclusion for people with disabilities and provides information and resources for parents, families, and self-advocates. Read More


Inclusive Education Canada

Inclusive Education Canada was launched by the Canadian Association for Community Living to provide news, information, and resources about inclusive education in Canada. Read More


Re:Action4Inclusion is a youth-led movement to promote inclusion and diversity in schools and communities. Read More

Children and Families

Child Advocacy Centre Simcoe Muskoka

The Child Advocacy Centre Simcoe/Muskoka provides professional advocacy supports for children and youth who have experienced abuse and are involved in an investigation. Read More

Child Care Fee Subsidy – District of Muskoka

The Child Care Subsidy program assists low and modest income families by paying all or some of their child care costs. Read More

Children’s Mental Health Ontario

Children’s Mental Health Ontario represents Child and Youth Mental Health Centres across Ontario by advocating for policies and programs that reflect the needs of children, youth, and families seeking mental health services. Read More


ConnectABILITY is a hub where people who have an intellectual disability and their families can find resources, educational tools, and an online virtual community to connect with others. Read More

EarlyON Child and Family Centres

The District of Muskoka offers Ontario Early Years programs for children under six years of age and their families and caregivers. Programs include drop-in play times, dinner groups, and preparation for Junior Kindergarten. Read More

Family Alliance Ontario

Family Alliance Ontario is a provincial organization that supports people with disabilities and their families by providing resources, tools, and networking opportunities. Read More


Hands offers children, youth, and adults with a developmental disability health care supports in areas including autism, child development, and children and youth mental health. Read More

Muskoka Family Focus and Children’s Place

Muskoka Family Focus provides affordable, accessible learning programs to children and their families that include childcare services, before and/or after school programs, and parenting seminars. Read More

Muskoka Home Child Care Agency

The Muskoka Home Child Care Agency is a local childcare agency that provides licensed home-based child care and the ability to access funding through the Child Care Fee Subsidy Program. Read More

One Kids Place

One Kids Place provides a range of services for children, youth, and their families including occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, autism services, and physiotherapy. Read More

P4P Planning Network

Partners for Planning developed the P4P Planning Network to help families build their capacity to plan effectively. Its resources support parents and caregivers with a variety of planning objectives and tools, like transition planning, person-directed planning, financial and estate planning, and social planning. Visit the P4P Planning Network website.

Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions

Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions is a child and family services agency that offers services in the areas of mental health, child welfare, and child protection. Read More

Inclusive Employment

Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN)

Community Living Huntsville is a member of the Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN), a group of service providers who work to increase employment opportunities for people who have a disability. Read More

Ready, Willing, and Able

Ready, Willing, and Able is a national organization that assists employers to be more inclusive through hiring individuals with intellectual disabilities and disability awareness information for current employees. Read More

Huntsville YMCA Employment and Learning Services

Huntsville YMCA Employment Services offers one-on-one and independent services for job seekers. Meetings are available with employment specialists who can assist with job matching and coaching. Read More


Accessibility in Ontario

An overview of the Ontario government’s accessibility plans and policies for their employees and the public it serves through its services, products, and facilities. Read More

Developmental Services Ontario

Developmental Services Ontario is the point of entry to access adult developmental services funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services in Ontario. Read More

Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Contact information for the offices of Members of Parliament (MPPs) and how to participate in legislative committees. Read More

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services offers services including social assistance (Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program) and adult developmental services (Developmental Services Ontario). Read More

Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education’s website offers information and resources for parents who want to be involved in their children’s education from the early years up to the postsecondary level. Read More

Ombudsman Ontario

Ombudsman Ontario is an independent office that investigates and resolves public complaints about Ontario government organizations and municipalities, and publicly funded universities and school boards. Read More

Ontario Human Rights Commission

The Ontario Human Rights Commission works to prevent discrimination and enforce human rights through initiatives including information awareness campaigns and public inquiries. Read More

Mental Health

Canadian Mental Health Association Muskoka – Parry Sound

The Canadian Mental Health Society of Muskoka – Parry Sound offers a number of programs and services in the areas of adult protection, counselling and mental health, and crisis intervention. Read More

Elizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Simcoe Muskoka provides community programs for adults and youth including Emotions Management, Grief and Loss, Anti-Theft, Health Relationships, and Substance Use and Harm Reduction. Read More


Mental health help for young people in Muskoka. Read More


People First Huntsville

People First Huntsville is a self-advocacy group that promotes equality for all persons and educates the community about the People First movement. Read More

People First of Ontario

People First of Ontario is the provincial organization that represents and promotes the rights of people with intellectual disabilities. Read More

People First of Canada

People First Canada is the national organization that works to influence communities and government to ensure that all people with intellectual disabilities are fully included as equal citizens in Canada. The website includes the Freedom Tour, a documentary about survivors’ experiences of living in institutions. Read More


Re:Action4Inclusion is a youth-led movement to promote inclusion and diversity in schools and communities. Read More