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Partners for Inclusion

Barriers to safe and affordable housing are on the rise, and the deepening housing crisis continues to hit marginalized community members, including those with disabilities, hardest. A ruthless market has forced people and families we support to the cusp of homelessness. For some, it is already a reality. We are taking action. You can help. Become a Partner for Inclusion with a multi-year donation to Community Living Huntsville.

Our innovative housing solutions are helping people and families we support find and keep roofs over their heads. This is vital. Housing is the foundation of community inclusion and a life of dignity. With access to our Transitional Housing and housing-related programming, we are creating opportunities for people and families we support to live with dignity as respected, included, and contributing members of their community.

These programs and services have changed lives. You can help us change more. Become a Partner for Inclusion today.

Make a difference. Join Partners for Inclusion.

Complete the form below and drop it off to Jennifer Jerrett, Community Engagement Specialist, at Community Living Huntsville's office, 99 West Road, Huntsville, Ontario.

Or mail completed forms to Community Living Huntsville, 99 West Road, Huntsville, Ontario, P1H 1M1.

Partners for Inclusion Members

Thank you for your generous support!

Abdo and Jelnar Hlal

Cayman Marshall International Realty

Corey Reeves

Dan Willett Financial

Debi and John Davis

Dennis Hobbins

Drew and Janet Markham

Gary and Gail Donald

Huntsville Doppler

Huntsville Fuels

Lovegrove Construction and Design

Men of Grandview Foundation

Roz Barden

John and Joan Jerrett

B. Lovegrove

Near North Business Machines

Ed Wiebe

And our donors who wish to remain anonymous


To learn more about how you can make a difference by becoming a Partner for Inclusion, please contact:

Jennifer Jerrett
705-789-4543, Ext. 241