Our History
Advocating for inclusion since 1962
Today it would be hard to imagine a world where children are sent away from their homes and communities because they live with developmental disabilities. Prior to the 1960s, this was the reality for many families in Muskoka. Parents and caregivers were advised to send their children to a residential institution to receive the supports they needed. Institutions like the former Huronia Regional Centre in Orillia and the local Lakewood Nursing Home in Huntsville were far from ideal. Here children and adults lived in segregated buildings and had little to no choice in their daily lives.
The “community living movement” inspired new possibilities. This grassroots movement believed that, with the right supports in place, people living with developmental disabilities could stay in their own communities and participate as valued citizens.
In Huntsville, parents of children with developmental disabilities started the Blue Horizons Nursery School. Run by volunteers out of church basements, the school was part of the shift where inclusion could be possible.
By 1971, this progressive group established a not-for-profit organization and hired its first two part-time staff. The organization expanded its services to support older children and adults through skills programs and group homes.
In 1987, the organization was renamed Community Living Huntsville to reflect its purpose to support people living with developmental disabilities to be recognized as important members of their community. Community Living Huntsville now operated an integrated Resource Teacher program to support children in mainstream schools and daycares. The organization also provided supports for people to live independently in their own homes. By 1990, Community Living Huntsville started its Supported Employment Program, an opportunity for people to connect with local employers who would value their skills and contributions.

Community Living Huntsville has evolved to become an organization with a rich history of disability rights and inclusion. We support over 300 children and adults and their families in Huntsville and the the surrounding districts of Lake of Bays and North Muskoka. We are a proud employer of approximately 80 people in our community.
While Community Living Huntsville has changed over the years, one thing remains the same: we continue to support the growth of an inclusive community where everyone’s voices are heard, their decisions are respected, and their contributions are valued.