Services for Adults

Community Living Huntsville provides many supports and services for adults with developmental disabilities. Supports and services include Supported Independent and Supported Group Living, Planning, Supported Employment, and Community Participation. We also offer our Pathways Program to people who are ineligible or waitlisted for funded services.

Learn more about our supports and services for adults below. Questions? Please email

A smiling woman in a green jacket and pink riding helmet on top of a dark brown horse.


Explore options that are as unique as you.

Our personalized, fee-based service assists you to build a life that is truly your own.


Opportunities should not be limited.

If you have been told you do not qualify for Developmental Services Ontario-funded supports and services, or are waitlisted for funds, our Pathways Program may be able to help.

Black and white running shoes on black asphalt painted with white arrows radiating away from the shoes in all directions