Supported Group Living

Our Supported Group Living program is designed to support adults with a developmental disability to live in a group home within their community. The program offers 24-hour supports that are flexible and individual to each person’s needs. People are encouraged and supported to be as independent as possible and make their own decisions.

Supports may include assistance and skill-building in the following areas:

  • All activities of daily living
  • Household care and maintenance
  • Menu planning, grocery shopping, and meal preparation
  • Monitoring and administration of medications and health care support
  • Support and advocacy with medical, dental, and specialist appointments
  • Budgeting, ODSP assistance, paying bills, and filing tax returns
  • Accessing community resources and services
  • Community connecting, networking, and encouraging natural supports

Our goal is to increase both personal independence and interpersonal connection between people and their community.

Where to start

If you would like to learn more about Supported Group Living, please contact:

Christopher Jordan-Stevens
705-789-4543, Ext. 231