Family Support

For ages 6 to 21 years

Community Living Huntsville’s Family Support program is a resource for families of children and youth with developmental disabilities ages 6 to 18 years, or 21 if in school.

Our Family Support program is a single coordinated access point to guide you through the “system”. Our helpful and knowledgeable Family Support Workers are qualified to offer advice based on individual family needs. They connect regularly with others in the community such as teachers, early childhood educators, and program providers.

Family Support Workers provide advocacy and ongoing emotional support for children with a developmental disability. They liaise with the family or caregiver to build personal supports and identify and access services and community resources. They may also assist in recruiting and training in-home support workers or volunteers.

Family Support Workers can answer questions and assist families with concerns about education, funding sources, future planning, parenting programs and support groups, respite programs, and community supports.

Our Family Support Workers:

  • Visit homes at a time that works best for the family
  • Advocate for your child at their school and within their community
  • Assist with applying for financial resources
  • Support with referrals to other appropriate services
  • Provide information, resources ideas, and assistance developing support plans
  • Assist with accessing respite services
  • Support and inform on transitioning from high school to adulthood

Where to start

If you would like to learn more about our Family Support program, please contact:

Stacey Bullock
705-789-4543, Ext. 215