Annual Report 2019/2020

On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, Community Living Huntsville hosted our first-ever virtual Annual General Meeting and we had lots to celebrate!

This year our organization adapted to the unexpected reality of a worldwide pandemic. Our team faced new challenges with determination and resiliency to ensure the people we support stayed healthy and safe. This would not have been possible without the overwhelming support from our volunteers, donors, and community.

As we head into 2021, we are excited to welcome four new members to our Board of Directors:

  • Morgan Richter
  • Alyshia Meredith
  • Zack Fitzsimmons
  • Michel Potvin

Each one of these members brings valuable experience and insight, and we are honoured for them to join Community Living Huntsville.

To learn more about what we’ve accomplished, download our Annual Report here: CLH Annual Report 2019/2020