Band on the Run was a huge success

Community Living Huntsville would like to thank the Band on the Run organizers and all involved for their support and generosity.

Months prior to the event Community Living Huntsville, along with the broader community, trained weekly at various locations in Huntsville. The training certainly paid off and everyone received a medal for their success and accomplishments. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the event!

The Band on the Run was on Saturday June 10, 2017, with people participating from near and far. The event ended with a fun concert where everyone had an opportunity to celebrate together.

We welcome you to enjoy this photo album of the days events and training leading up to it.  Three adults walking on an indoor walking track that wraps around an arena ice surface Three adults, one with a walker, walk on an indoor walking track at a recreation centre. A man and three women pose for a photo on an indoor walking track. An outdoor banner on a downtown Huntsville light post that reads: Band on the Run Roughly two dozen people, one with a walker and one sat in a wheelchair, pose for a photo on the steps of downtown Huntsville's town hall. Eight people, including one person sat in a wheelchair, cheer with their hands raised while posing on the steps of downtown Huntsville's town hall. Four adults, three of whom are wearing Band on the Run T-Shirts, pose with a firefighter and a costumed mascot A fire truck extends its bucket lift to rain down water on a passing car at a charity car wash. A firefighter poses for a photo with a woman in a Band on the Run T-shirt and a boy holding a yellow and black rubber boot. A woman in an orange T-shirt drapes a race finisher medal over the head of a person in a red T-Shirt. Two people who have finished a foot race pose for the camera wearing finisher medals draped around their necks. A volunteer poses for the camera while washing a vehicle during a charity car wash. A volunteer poses for the camera while washing a vehicle during a charity car wash. A large group of people in red T-shirts walk toward the start line of a foot race. The photo is taken from the back of the crowd. Three people in red T-shirts pose with their race finisher medals in front of a white photo backdrop. A man in a Band on the Run T-shirt sits at a table holding a sign that reads: VIP Only. Three people in red T-shirts pose with their race finisher medals in front of a white photo backdrop. Four people run or walk to the finish line of a foot race while spectators cheer on the sidelines. A man sitting on a roadside curb plays a guitar, while another man beside him sits on a stool playing a guitar and kick drum. A woman in a red hat and red Band on the Run T-shirt smiles for the camera. A person wearing a red Band on the Run T-shirt is sat in a wheelchair. A support person assists them by pushing the chair. A woman in a Band on the Run T-shirt, athletic pants and running shoes smiles at the camera while seated in a chair. Two people in Band on the Run T-shirts pose for a photo in front of a black car. A man carries a canoe by balancing it on his shoulders while traversing the race route. A man cheers from the sidelines of the race route. A person smiles for the camera on the sidelines of the race route. Three people sit under an opened sided tent in a park. They have a table with information and merchandise in front of them. A banner beside them reads: Community Living Huntsville, Building Inclusive Communities Together Two adults in orange Band on the Run T-shirts smile for the camera. A woman in an orange T-shirt, floral print skirt, high socks, running shoes and colourful bike helmet holds a sign that reads: 5K Walkers. A man and a woman in red Band on the Run T-shirts smile for the camera. They have race finisher medals draped around their necks. Four firefighters pose for the camera. Three women in red Band on the Run T-shirts pose for the camera in front of a white photo backdrop with their race finisher medals. Two women with race finisher medals pose for the camera in front of a white photo backdrop. Six people in red and white T-shirts post for the camera. Four of them have race finisher medals. A man sitting on a roadside curb plays a guitar, while another man beside him sits on a stool playing a guitar and kick drum. Musicians perform on vocals, keyboard and guitar along the race route. Seven people in Band on the Run T-shirts smile for the camera. They all have finisher medals draped around their necks. A man plays guitar along the race route. A women in a red Band on the Run T-shirt poses with her finisher medal in front of a white photo backdrop. A large group of people walks along the race route. Three adults in Band on the Run T-shirts pose for the camera with their arms across each other's shoulders. Roughly 30 people, including two with mobility devices, all wear red Band on the Run T-shirts and pose for a group photograph together. People in colourful tie-dyed shirts pose for a photo near the race route. A woman looks over her shoulder to the camera. The back of her orange T-shirt reads: volunteer. A close-up photo of a women in a floral hat smiling at the camera. She is wearing a red Band on the Run T-shirt. Two people run toward the race finish line while holding hands. One of the women, who is slightly ahead, looks back in encouragement for the other. Six people in Band on the Run T-shirts smile for the camera before the race begins. Three people in Band on the Run T-shirts pose for the camera. Two people walk away from the camera as they walk along the race route. A woman in an orange T-shirt drapes a finisher medal over the shoulders of a man in a red T-shirt. He pushes a mobility walker. A person poses for a photo by positioning their face in a hole cut out of a large race logo poster. A woman in a red Band on the Run T-shirt stands beside them and smiles. A man plays a guitar along the race route. Two people pose for a photo before the race. Two people pose for a photo with their finisher medals after the race. A woman in an orange T-shirt is seated. She is handing a beverage in a plastic cup to a race participant in a red T-shirt, who is accepting the cup. He is also holding a second cup. Hundreds of people gather in a park after the race during a music festival. A woman in an orange T-shirt, seated, readies to hand beverages in plastic cups to passing runners. A man in an orange Band on the Run T-shirt sits on a bench near the race route. A woman sits close beside him, smiling while she looks at him.