Canada’s 150th “Decades” Parade in Huntsville- we rolled, we walked, we danced… we CELEBRATED!

Community Living Huntsville was asked to participate in Canada’s 150th Decades Parade celebration in downtown Huntsville on Saturday July 1, 2017. Approximately 30 people attended, rolling, dancing and walking alongside each other to celebrate inclusion to the song “Born This Way”.

Inclusive employers held signs, people that have attended “Celebrating Inclusion Tours” walked with enthusiasm, the All Abilities Dance Troupe had a great prescence, musicians, community members walked together holding signs that promote inclusion and general good cheer. The response from the crowd was overwhelming and so positive and upbeat.

Thank you to Teri Souter from the Town of Huntsville for including us in such a fun filled important event.

A woman in a red T-shirt and white shorts puts her arms around the shoulders of a man wearing a red-and-white Canada 150 T-shirt A man in a tall red-and-white faux-felt hat holds a Canada flag while posing for the camera. A woman in a red rain poncho puts her arm around the shoulders of a young person, who is wearing a red and white T-shirt. A close u of a boy in a red and white T-shirt enjoying a candy sucker A large crowd of hundreds of people in red and white gathered in a downtown Huntsville park. The photo is taken from behind the crowd. Hundreds of people in red and white gathered in a downtown riverfront park. The photo is taken from the side of the crowd. Roughly a dozen people wearing red and white walk by the camera. One person is holding a sign that reads: 53 per cent of the population of Canada are affected by disabilities. A woman with a red and white Canada hat and a white T-shirt that reads Peace Love and Inclusion. She holds an infant also wearing red and white. A large group of smiling people holding signs toward the camera. One sign reads: Inclusion Transforms Lives. Another sign has the word "segregation" crossed out in red ink A large group of smiling people holding signs toward the camera. One sign reads: Inclusion Transforms Lives. Another sign has the word "segregation" crossed out in red ink A woman in a rain coat holds a sign that reads: Inclusion Transforms Lives Two women in red and white hold a sign with a big yellow happy face illustration on it. Roughly a dozen people wearing red and white walk by the camera. One person is holding a sign that reads: 53 per cent of the population of Canada are affected by disabilities. A large group of dozens of people in a park. One holds a sign that reads: Metis Nation of Ontario. A woman holding a sign that reads: We Believe in Inclusion A woman holds a sign that reads: Inclusivity, Community Living Huntsville, Canada 150 Two women hold signs that show the word "segregation" crossed out with red ink A small group of people in red and white hold a sign that reads: All Abilities Dance Troupe