You’re Invited! Transforming Together 2022

A poster for Transforming Together 2022 with tagline that reads: Making Connections Today for Tomorrow.

Calling all high school students and families!

Community Living Huntsville and Huntsville High School host Transforming Together 2022, a three-part virtual information session, in April. The free online event aims to support students with disabilities and their families in planning for a successful and connected future.

One video will be released on YouTube each week and available to view on-demand:

Information provided focuses on supports, services, and community connection options for life-long success with an emphasis on choices and person-centered decision-making. You will learn about education, employment, and community resources and programs, advocacy organizations, government supports and services, financial supports, and planning services.

You will find links to the videos at and Community Living Huntsville’s Facebook page, as the videos are released.

Now is the best time to start planning for the future and working toward the life you want to live. Join us for Transforming Together 2022!

Interested in more information? Contact