Our 2020-2021 Annual Report has arrived

Community Living Huntsville’s 2021 Annual General Meeting held online October 19 showed we are still in this together.

“Our team at Community Living Huntsville continues to be passionate and plan for the future,” Matt Huddlestone, board president, told nearly 30 attendees. “We would like to thank our staff, volunteers, and donors that have continued to support Community Living Huntsville in 2021.”

Few people expected the COVID-19 pandemic and its often physically, socially, and emotionally difficult restrictions to still be part of our daily reality. It has disproportionately affected people we support, and added pressure to families and staff. But our team, especially those on the front line, through hard work and flexibility have continuously and selflessly dedicated themselves as essential service providers to keeping the people we support, and themselves, safe in these uncertain times.

Resilience, creativity, and hope were continuously shown by people we support, families, board members, donors, and community in the 2020-2021 fiscal year, too.

And hope continues.

“It has been a tough year. A tough year for the people we support who have been isolated, some with little to no access to the community until recently. A tough year for our staff who despite restrictions have been champions throughout the pandemic. A tough year for our board of directors, some who have not yet met each other in person,” Suzanne Willett, executive director for Community Living Huntsville, told attendees. “As I mentioned in my message in the annual report, 2022 marks our organization’s 60th anniversary and I look forward to in-person celebrations. But more importantly I look forward to the people we support, and the community in general, getting back out and living the lives they want.”

Members at the Annual General Meeting confirmed the 2021-2022 board of directors:

  • Jim Alexander
  • Tish Firman
  • Matt Huddlestone
  • Debbie Kirwin
  • Bernadette Lovegrove
  • Myke Malone
  • Michel Potvin
  • Helena Renwick
  • Morgan Richter

Members also offered thanks to Debi Davis, who has come to the end of her third term and is required to step down from the board. “We can’t thank her enough for her hard work and support over the past six years,” said Myke Malone, nomination committee chair.

Find committee reports, a financial summary, and stories in our full 2020-2021 Annual Report.