Remembering Kareen Burns, Ambassador of Inclusion

We would like to express our deepest condolensces to Kareen Burns’ Family, Friends and everyone who is affected by her loss.

Kareen was deeply involved in her community. Part of her involvement included the work she did with Community Living Huntsville.

Kareen was one of our “Ambassadors for Inclusion”. She was an early adopter to inclusive employment, she previously sat on the board of directors at Community Living Huntsville, she hosted our Celebrating Inclusion Tours and she participated in outreach and advocacy for our agency.

Kareen would advocate for people who live with the label of a developmental disability by reaching out to business owners and organizations to speak passionately about inclusion.

She was part of our recent “The Business of Inclusion” video and was scheduled to attend a conference in Niagara Falls with our staff Michelle Ainsworth and Nancy Weber, along with other employer champions to discuss why hiring people makes good business sense. She was unable to present as she was too ill but her dear friend Matt Huddlestone stepped in and covered for her and did a beautiful job.

Kareen was also in the process of supporting a local artist we support to have his own art show. We will certainly ensure that this opportunity continues in Kareen’s memory.

Kareen was an inspiring, vibrant and engaging woman. She always encouraged others and always made all people feel at ease. She saw people for their strengths and helped nurture the strengths which turned into opportunities.

She is deeply missed by so many. Rest in Peace, our friend Kareen.


Remembering Kareen Burns, a woman of “eclectic good cheer”
