Letter to People and Families in Response to Developmental Services Reform Plan

Source: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services


To People and Families We Support,

On May 18, 2021, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services released a 10-year plan to reform developmental services in Ontario. The plan, called Journey to Belonging: Choice and Inclusion, is now available to read online in traditional and easy read formats.

The plan, according to the ministry, aims to ensure people with developmental disabilities are supported by their communities, support networks and government to belong and live inclusive lives, and empower people to make choices and live as independently as possible through services that are person-directed, easier to access, equitable and sustainable.

Community Living Huntsville welcomes the ministry’s person-directed approach, and its focus on supporting people to live meaningful lives in an inclusive community. It reflects not only our organization’s vision of opening doors in an inclusive community, but also our purpose of fostering inclusiveness for people to live, work and play in unique and purposeful ways.

Several of the stated reforms also echo Community Living Huntsville’s 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, which calls for intentional innovation on affordable housing, lifetime transition services, employment and community-based opportunity, as well as a cohesive and creative workplace culture, and resource development that promotes collaboration and sustainable supports for people we serve.

Our role is, ultimately, to support people to live better lives as directed by them. That seems to be the ministry’s stated intent for reform, too. We look forward to working with the ministry, as well as the people we support and families, in the months and years ahead to ensure these province-wide reforms are realized, as intended.

We encourage you to review the ministry’s plan. If you have questions, please feel free to email us at info@clhuntsville.ca and we will do our best to help you find answers.


Suzanne Willett

Executive Director
Community Living Huntsville