Our “Investing In Inclusion” Fundraising Breakfast was a hit!

Thank you to everyone who attended, supported and contributed to our “Investing in Inclusion” fundraising breakfast on May 4, 2016 from 8:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m.                                                                                                                              

Community Living Huntsville (CLH) would like to be able to serve all people in our community who live with a developmental disability, to have a good life, enjoying the same rights and freedoms, and being able to have the same expectations as other community members; to have a job, friendships, a decent place to live, and feeling the sense of belonging that comes with being included and valued. This includes those who do not meet the Ministry of Community and Social Services eligibility criteria.

Facing a 15,000 person waitlist for supports in Ontario, in an effort to be fair and equitable across the province, an eligibility criterion has been established. We know that in North Muskoka there are people who need the assistance CLH can provide but are deemed ineligible by the ministry to receive the funded supports CLH currently offers. There is an identified gap that is greatly impacting the lives of some of our fellow community members.

Community Living Huntsville wants to get back to its grassroots and meet this need. Our vision is to create a sustainable program of supports for those who are currently falling through the cracks, for assistance can break the spiral into despair and bring hope and purpose to peoples’ lives.

With the community’s help, we think this problem can be addressed. On May 4th, the Royal Canadian Legion had generously donated their space for CLH to host a fundraising breakfast.

We believe that Community Living Huntsville, along with the Huntsville community can do better to welcome people who live with a label of developmental disability to be included, valued, contributing members in all facets of community life ensuring that Huntsville is a stronger, richer, more vibrant community.

The  event had over 200 people in attendance and we were overwhelmed by the generosity and support our community members showed us. Thank you!