Most Accessible Destinations- traveling without barriers

From wheelchairs made available to the public that can go on a beach, to accessible beaches, Mayan Archaelogical sites that are accessible, to 100% of the entire city being accessible, to Tactile Museums…. the question at many of these places isn’t “What IS Accessible?” but rather “What ISN’T?”

It’s that time of year again where people are starting to think about traveling to warmer or interesting destinations. For those who may have different needs as it pertains to accessibility traveling can be a challenge- and a frustration! Did you know that Twitter and Facebook have groups designed specifically for accessible travel? A good travel agent will either know what is accessible or be able to direct you to someone who can help. The link provided in this post may also be of assistance to you.

Here are some of the most accessible destinations

Click here:

Most Accessible Destinations

We wonder- are they inclusive as well as accessible? What are your thoughts? Is there anywhere that you would like to travel to but cannot because of a barrier in accessibility? Visit our Facebook Page to share your thoughts in our comment section under this post.

Happy Traveling!